I simply cannot believe that the end of 2010 is right around the corner! It’s been such an amazing year for both my business and family life. Portraits have been non-stop all year long, my busiest year yet for portraits. It was a nice change since I didn’t photograph as many weddings this year, due...
i vote for #1!!!!!!!!!!!!! 🙂
can i vote twice (for #1), since i already joined your facebook page?! thanks!
Awww Sharon – sweet Jack is so cute but I have to put my double vote in for #3! 🙂
I vote for number 15!
I vote for number 3!!
I vote for #15 !
I vote for # 15
I vote for number 1.
I vote for #15!!! How adorable!!!
I vote for #15!! She’s the cutest!!
I vote for #3 – cutest baby!!!
I vote for #3. That is the cutest picture.
I vote for #15!
I vote for #15
i understand chrissie! colin is a cutie!
My completely unbiased vote is for Number 1 🙂
Very tough decision, but gotta say #1. Ofcourse they are all outstanding! Hard to beat the sleeping baby pic.
#13 of course! The sweetest baby ever!
I am a fan of your page. #13 is the cutest!
My vote is for #3!!!!
#3 is SO adorable!! Cutest picture ever!
I vote for #15
….and a second and final vote for #15 since I’m a FB fan 😉
I joined your FB page and again I vote for #15!!!
I vote #15
My vote is for #15!!
And I just liked you on fb, so another vote for #15!
I have to say #1 is THE #1 adorable!
My vote goes for #9!!! 😉
#9 #9 woot woot!
I vote for #1… Baby Jack!
Who doesn’t love a sweet sleeping baby?
I vote for #1. Jack is the most adorable baby!!! Such a sweet pic!!! 🙂
# 3
i vote for # 4!! cutest baby ever <3 🙂
im a fan of your fb page and another vote for #4 🙂
I vote for #15. She is the most photogenic. I love her hat.
#4! They are all gorgeous photos, but 4 is my fav! 🙂
#4 #4 #4 !!! ELLA <3
I vote for #4
I liked your facebook page, so my 2nd vote goes too that beautiful little girl on picture #4
I vote for #9 Vanessa and Scott! The photo just seems to catch the radiance of love and romance that they, as a couple emit! This is a stunning photo of Scott and Vanessa!
I must vote for #1…love Jack such a cutie! But I do love all of your pics, what great shots!!
I vote for #4,adorable!!!!! Great Photo!!!!!
I vote for #4. Thats the cutest little baby girl I have evver seen. Shes so beautiful. My babbby ella <3
I vote for #4! love the hat!
I vote for #4!
My vote goes for #4. Beautiful Baby!!
I vote #1, what a beautiful baby!!!
I vote #1–the best picture!!!!
#4 Gets my vote
I vote for #4.
I have to say that #4 is one of the most beautiful pictures I have ever seen!! She should be the winner!
I vote #4!
such a sweet baby girl!
i ment to say #4…so cute
i joined your facebook im voting again for #15
I vote for #1…what a cutie!
I vote for #1
#4! The prettiest pic of them all!
#1 Jack is super cute!
I cast my vote for # 1 sleeping Jack
#1 is the best.
I vote for #1.
I’m voting for #3 he is absolutely adorable!
I’m already a FB fan of yours so this is my second vote =)
#3 is my favorite!
#13 looks so peaceful. I vote for Micah.
I vote for #1!
I vote for number 1
#3!!! So sweet and innocent!
I vote for #3! So sweet!
I vote for # 15 SOOOooo Adorable 🙂
I vote for #4 all the way!
Definitely #15
Def # 15!
My vote is for my lucky little 14!!
I vote for #4
I vote for the beautiful photo of my niece #14
I vote for #1…Too cute.
I vote for #14.
I voite for number 14. Good luck Ro!
I love for #14 – absolutely adorable!
My vote goes to # 14
I have to say #14 – I LOVE that pretty little face. You go girl!
My vote is for #14 – she is absolutely adorable!!
#14 – Good luck Ava!
my vote is for #4 she is soooo cute
I think #14 is adorable!
I vote for #14. Absolutely precious!!
Voting for #14!!!
I vote for number 14!!!
I vote for #14 – love those tea parties!
I vote for #14
#4 #4 #4 #4 #4! She’s the best!!! 😀 😀
I vote for #4!
My vote is for #15…LOVE IT!!!
I vote for Celia #15
I vote for #14, sweet Ava!
LOVE the photos, Teresa <3
number 15, she’s beautiful!
I vote for # 1, but his tattoo should say “I love Aunt Kate!” : )
I vote for #15 she is adorable!
#4 beautiful baby ella :o)
I definately vote for #4!!!
My vote goes to #4 Baby Ella…….she is adorable!!!
so sweet…. #14 is my vote!
My vote goes to the most adorable girl #4 soooooooo cute!!!
I vote #4
# 4!!!!
i vote #4 she is a cuttie
Ella is adorable
i vote for ella #4
she is so adorable #4
ella is cute #4
ella is priceless #4
i vote ella #4
I vote for #15 again, because i am a facebook fan!
i vote for #13
#4 is a tiny little bundle of preciousness!!
I vote for my precious neice Miss Ella, #4!!! Looooove her!!
I vote for #14
#14 is by far the cutest pic!
Definately unbiased-I vote for # 13. Adorable.
I vote for #1 because he is so adorable!!
I vote for 13.
I vote for #4 she is absolutely beautiful
I vote 4, 9 & 12…..can I do that? I can’t decide!!!!
I know we don’t have a baby baby but we have one with a tail…I vote for #5
OK and I became a fan on your FB page, so I am voting again for #5, yes, again
Number 13 is my favorite!!!!! Adorable!
Definitely #4!! What a little angel and an absolutely precious photo!
I’m a FB fan so I vote again for #14!
I vote for #15 and if I could I would vote a thousand times! All the photographs are great but #15 is absolutely AMAZING and without a doubt the best on here!
#15 is the cutest ever!! I VOTE FOR # 15 the adorable little pixie fairy
#14 is so adorable!!!!!
so hard to choose, but I really like #15, its different!!!
Teresa they are all so cute! I think I am going to go with #6 though. It is different then your average photo. I love it!
And since I’ve been a fan of your FB forever my second vote will go to #1 🙂
I vote for #8!!!
I vote for #4!!
# 4 how cute 🙂
#1 is amazing. Beautiful baby
I vote for precious #15 <3
I vote for the beautiful photo#14
I vote for the beautiful & lovely photo #14
I vote for my little girl, Ava – Photo #14
#15 She is my lovey!!!!
Facebook fan. Another vote for #15
I vote for #4
All the pics are just wonderful but I must vote for #4 my sweet, sweet granddaughter Ella!
I vote for Ella in # 4! So sweet!
My vote is #14 – so cute!
I vote for #3 He is sooo adorable
I vote for 15
I vote for #15. SHES SO FREAKING CUTE!!!!!!!!!
I vote for #13!!!
I vote for #13 again, facebook friend!
I vote for 7!!!
Just seeing this and definitely 7!!!
I vote for # 13!
I vote for Number 15!!!! She was the last picture….. Like they always say… “Save the best for last”! She is sooooo precious. The flower hat was a lovely touch to bring out her big beautiful eyes! Simply adorable!
i vote #15
I vote for #7 too cute !
#3 is the cutest!!!
#3. What an adorable baby!
I vote for #3… Colin is adorable 🙂
My vote is for photo #8. This baby is just too gorgeous especially with the little smile on its face!!! Love it!!!
#4 is just too adorable!!
They are all so great, tough choosing but I have to go with # 15. Beautiful!!!
I love #8, followed by 9.
I love all the baby pics though, tough choice!