
Monthly Archives: April 2011

Tyler….6 months.

I cannot believe our little man is 6 months old already.  Our third son…our baby.  Seems like yesterday that he was just born. :*(  The days are passing by way too quickly and I realize that I am getting too caught up in every day activities, the routines, business obligations (which is great, of course!)…but...

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Dance In The Rain…

Yesterday morning, as I ran a ton of small errands (you know the kind, just quickly running in and out of places in just a few minutes). Well, it was pouring rain and of course, while our oldest son was in school, hubby was working…I had both my other little guys (4 yrs and 6...

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Fun Journal Prompts…Answered by Zachary.

So many of you may remember towards the end of the summer, I posted with Justin’s journal prompts (as it was a little summer request for his school for him to do).  Here are his answers for those that haven’t read it: I’ve been meaning to ask Zachary them…and back then, he really wouldn’t...

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Miss *K*’s Senior Session…

When I met Miss *K* and her mom, Amanda….I swear, I thought they were sisters.  Yeah, yeah….I know that many people say that just to be polite or to start conversation or whatnot, but I’m serious!  I can only hope to look as amazing and young as Amanda does when my kids are high school...

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Rhode Island, MASSACHUSETTS & Connecticut

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