For those of you who know me personally, you (for sure) know that I HATE the winter and HATE being cold (which is basically anything below 65-68 degrees for me, haha). BUT, I will be the first to say that I LOVE snow portraits outside. So because of that, I will bravely face any cold to capture an adorable family like the one you see below. We headed to a local Rhode Island park for the family portraits and we found the perfect little spot.
Rhode Island Family Photo Series
I was so excited when the mom mentioned that not only does she have two amazing kiddos, she was also bringing her puppy! And as many (or all you know), I’m slightly obsessed with dogs! 😉 I mean, just look at the way the wind was blowing his fur <3 <3
Family Photo Series in RI, MA & CT
And of course, family portraits is the perfect opportunity to snag a little bit of quality with the kids separately. 😉
Family Portraits for Rhode Island, Massachusetts and Connecticut
I just love beautiful families! <3