On this day, 1 year ago, our youngest son, Tyler Jack was born. Many of you had gone through the journey with us as to how he fought his way into this world (and for those of you who don’t know, you can read about it here: https://www.teresasweetphotography.com/blog/?p=1672) and I just cannot believe he has been a part of our lives for such a short time and yet….our lives didn’t seem complete without him.
Tyler is honestly one of the best babies I have ever seen. Rarely ever cries, always so happy and he is just happy as can be as long as he has loved ones around him. Tyler is such a love bug and I love that he’s at the “Mommy” attachment phase as it only lasts for a short time. He is curious about everything around him, loves his toy trucks, bouncy balls and most of all, the caterpillar from Baby Einstein videos. Tyler loves to blow kisses to anyone that wants to receive them and will just wave to the world around him.
Tyler simply adores his older brothers, Justin & Zachary and is always curious as to what they are doing. All Justin & Zack has to do is laugh or say his name and Ty goes into a fit of giggles. I hope that bond is never forgotten or broken.
Ty loves saying “Momma” & “Dadda” and while he is not yet walking and just about to start the crawling stage, I am most certainly ok with that because he is our baby and I want to hold on tight to him as long as I can.
Tyler Jack, thank you for being such a sweetheart, my lil’ man. Mommy, Daddy, Justin and Zachary love you to the moon & back! Happy 1st Birthday!
Happy 1st Birthday!