So yes… I believe it’s been many many months since I’ve last blogged. Not because I haven’t been busy but quite the opposite. I’ve been SO busy with sessions, moving into the studio, family life, etc etc, that I haven’t had a chance to catch up on this blog. Over the next few months, I will be SLAMMIN’ this blog with a ton of work so much, you’ll probably get sick of me. 😉 HAHA
I have SO many amazing sessions to showcase but for those of you who follow me, KNOW how much I LOVE designing, creating, planning and photographing my “Inspired” sessions. Now normally, I stay with the “Once Upon A Time” Inspired sessions, which are light, airy, romantic. I wanted to do something completely out of normal, out of my element. Something dark but still breath-takingly beautiful.
The first themed session that fit this was a “Raven” Inspired session. I knew exactly what I wanted. But planning and creating the outfit took some time. I have received many emails to create Inspired themed sessions to the public. Yes, I would be more than happy to offer them to you but keep in mind that every one will be unique to fit the style of the client and the vision that I can create. Please email me for more details.
Getting back to this session, of course, I hired one of my favorite makeup and hair stylist team, Kristin Greene and Marisa Capozzoli of Salon KG. The tutu skirt was created by Bella Olivia Tutus & Accessories . Then I styled the rest of the outfit and searched high and low for the perfect locations. The GORGEOUS and talented model is Kayleigh, who definitely has a very promising modeling career ahead of her.
Here are a bunch of my favorites. Please feel free to PIN, share this post on Facebook, etc. All I ask is that you leave the watermark in tact and link it back to my blog and/or website. Words cannot describe how much I love this session and how such amazingly talented artists can come together so my vision can come to life. For this, I am truly grateful.

“Open here I flung the shutter, when, with many a flirt and flutter, In there stepped a stately Raven of the saintly days of yore.”
― Edgar Allan Poe, The Raven

“some one gently rapping, rapping at my chamber door. “ ’Tis some visiter,” I muttered, “tapping at my chamber door — Only”
― Edgar Allan Poe, The Raven
Out of this world creative, Teresa. Your makeup artist, model, and photography were phenomenal. And tha tlocation is perfection. Way to go!!
Thanks so much, Rachel! It took a lot of planning but everything fell into place perfectly. 🙂
Very talented and Creative!
I’m so awed by your imagination and talent! LOVE this session!