***disclaimer: before images may be shared with each post, which may be sad and disturbing. I will NOT post graphic images but by sharing the lifestyle where these animals came from, I pray that it will help bring into light all the rescues that need loving, forever homes. They need your help.**
Now onto my first story….
I first met Yuki & Pepper’s humans many years ago through a local school and sport where our kids took classes together. Over the last couple of years, their mom and I have been getting to know one another a little better, talking about our kids and our furbabies. They are all such a sweet family. Very down to earth and just super pleasant. For a while now, I’ve been wanting to photographer her family and a couple of weeks ago, I finally had the chance. I was SO EXCITED to meet her pitbull mixes as I adored all her photos that she posted and their personalities, I could already tell through the photos, WERE AWESOME and FUN!
Their mom met me at the door of their home (as they may have been timid coming into my studio) and all I could see was two beautiful dogs with super wiggly butts, greeting me as well! I couldn’t get enough of them and I haven’t even walked through their door yet. 🙂 I started taking the dogs’ portraits inside, so they could get to know me a little better. Yuki (the white one), was a little timid with my camera but she came around pretty quickly. Then we went outside for some adorable images as well. By the end of the session, Pepper (the darker one), happily sat on my feet while I talked to her mom and dad..and I was told by them, that was the greatest of ways to let me know they accepted and liked me. My heart couldn’t be happier.
I may have tried to whisper into Pepper’s ears that they could sneak into my car to come home with me. lol
And now…..here are questions that I ask the families and the stories of their beloved furbabies. Learn where they came from, how far they’ve come (as you can clearly see their before photos) and just how amazing these dogs are!
ME: What are the names and ages of your furbabies? How long have you had them?
MOM: Yuki (the white one) is 4 and Pepper (the darker one) is 3. We got Yuki when he was about 2 and Pepper at 6 months. They are Pitbull/Bully mixes.
ME: Did you keep their name that they had before they were rescued? What made you choose their (now) name?
MOM: We changed their names. Yuki was given the name of Nero at the pound so he only had that name for an couple of months. Yuki means ‘snow’ in Japanese. Pepper’s name was given by us instead of her shelter name of Kyra because she has salt and pepper flecks on her fur.
ME: Why is rescuing so near and dear to your heart?
MOM: I can’t see creating more dogs when there is such an overpopulation problem and dogs of every breed, sex and age are available to people if they just look for them. Too many beautiful healthy dogs are put down to look the other way.
ME: What rescue (and/or shelter) did you rescue your furbaby from?
MOM: Both were in Clayton County Animal Shelter in Georgia, a high kill shelter. Both were pulled by New England Humane Society, and Grateful Doggies Canine Freedom Transport delivered them to us. The woman that fostered Pepper (who’s initials are LJ) before we had her and nursed her back to health, she’s the reason that Pepper is alive!!
ME: How did you find your dogs? Website? Word of mouth?
MOM: I found Pepper doing a search for adoptable dogs in Rhode Island. When I saw her picture I called in, and they said she was on the transport to RI as we spoke. After we adopted her, I connected with Georgia rescue groups on social media, and then Yuki‘s picture came up on a list of dogs that would be put to sleep in the next couple of days and I zoomed in on him, contacted New England Humane Society to ask if they could pull him for me and they arranged for transport.
(Pepper is on the right below, before adoption) 🙁
Yuki when he was rescued
I am the lucky lady who fostered Pepper. She was a joy, but so very sick when i got her. Nursing her back to health was a joy. However, putting her on the transport was so very difficult. Imagine how thrilled i was that C adopted her. Great family, and patient and loving. The relief was palpable. She has turned into a wonderful dog, and will live her years out with Yuki and her family surrounded by love.
Your pictures are just amazing and it makes my heart melt to see her so happy and gorgeous i might add. Always thought she had it in her to be spectacular, but as you can see by her puppy pic, we had a long road to travel.she found the absolute best family ever!
Does it get any better than that?
Dang onions.
Rescue. Foster. Donate. Adopt. Share.
Only you can save them.
Beautiful photos TeresA,youve done a wonderdul thing here. I hope it saves more lives. ❤️
If I can even help save one life, it will all be worth the hard work. It always is. But here’s to hoping we save a million. 🙂
Aww, thank you so much for your comment, LJ! Pepper and Yuki couldn’t have found a better home for them. They are so very loved and so very spoiled (but in the best of ways).