My very first blog. Like I need another reason to be addicted to the computer. *sigh* My poor hubby will no longer have a wife or a mother to our children. LOL
Kidding, kidding…The more I research and read about photography, the more I’m reading that other professional photographers are blogging. So I bit the bullet. I figured why not? =) This way, family, friends, clients, potential clients and anyone else interested in my work or life can be kept up to date on what I’m doing in my personal life and my work life. I think it would be a lot of fun to combine the two. Why keep it separate because when I’m with my clients, I try to get to know them as much as I can…so why shouldn’t they get to know me, right? Kinda makes me have a flashback to “Doogie Howser MD” when he used to end the episodes by writing on his computer. lol I’ll be posting my latest images, thoughts, contests and any other tid-bits of info on here so feel free to check back and leave messages or comments if you would like.
Teresa Sweet