
Tyler….6 months.

I cannot believe our little man is 6 months old already.  Our third son…our baby.  Seems like yesterday that he was just born. :*(  The days are passing by way too quickly and I realize that I am getting too caught up in every day activities, the routines, business obligations (which is great, of course!)…but I’m lacking in taking photos of my kiddos!  Eeeek!  So, while I was playing legos with our 2nd son the other day, I put Tyler in his car seat to sit with us, put a blanket behind him and took some photos since he was just giggling and shrieking with laughter!  These photos capture his personality perfectly.  Thought I would share them with you! 🙂


nothing better than a baby's giggle


love those cheeks

pucker up!

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Rhode Island, MASSACHUSETTS & Connecticut

Maternity• newborn• family
